I Hear Fireworks!
Whoa! Did you hear that? It’s July already and half this year has flew by! Let’s not dwell on time gone but look forward to good times ahead. Are you excited about upcoming plans or big events that are going to be taking place in the next months to come? I know I am. We have a grandson coming in a few weeks for one. I am very excited about his arrival and all the new possibilities and experiences. I’m thrilled for mommy to be and I know she’s waiting in a hurry for the big day. That beautiful day will definitely be the “fireworks” of a lifetime for her.
My family and I have already had some fun these past few months of going to the zoo and petting a giraffe! Oh, let me tell ya, that was my “fireworks”! I can now say I have achieved one goal of many just doing that. I also treated my better half to bowling party and then a mystery dinner theatre for his birthday. The play was lovely and entertaining. He had a lot of fun. It was a nice dinner and an evening away doing something new together trying to clear Sherlock’s name. I had a wonderful Mother’s Day with my mom and daughter. It is always a blessing to visit and enjoy each other’s company. Oh, and I have been planting ALOT of flowers and my little flower bed looks delightful. I’m sure one could say I have enough. Uh, never! There have also been my bonus boys’ birthday celebrations as well.
So where is this all going you ask? I want you to have fireworks in your life. I’m not talking about the ones that light up the Fourth of July sky. I want you to find and feel passion, happiness, and experience all that this extraordinary life has to offer. There are so many new adventures and places to explore. Above all, make memories with your loved ones that will last for years to come. Create your own fireworks this year and I promise you want be sorry. It will resonate in your soul. Your heart will be lifted and will shine bright, full of radiant lights.
My best to you and your journey!