Meet Me


My name is, Heidi, and I drink tea. I’m a little clumsy. Ok, bubble wrap clumsy. I’m some what bassackwards at times as my mouth speaks before my mind can think! “Smell back and sit the roses!” I’m also an outgoing introvert. I love alone time, no crowds, being with myself, no unnecessary talking, just doing my thing. However, I also love people. I can converse with any soul, dance around like a bandit being shot at the feet, sing like I’m in concert, and joke like crazy as if I’m on some stand up comedy show.

I wasn’t always as outgoing and confident as I am now. School was terrible- ughhh! I’ve learned over a few decades to come out of my shell. It took some big lessons, constant self improvement, and thanks to the millions of movies I watched growing up that inspired a lot of my personality, 80’s and early 90’s rocked, YEAH!

All kidding aside, I want this to help you find the fiery light within you; that uniqueness and beauty. I want you to be comfortable being with ‘you’. You may think that sounds dumb or foreign but it is not. If you are not happy with yourself, how can you be happy with others or anything you do or want to do. I know it is not easy in the day and age we live in to find balance and that sweet spot in life. I will share my experiences, words of wisdom, uplifting and motivating information to help you, and me still, to appreciate this wonderful gift of life. This is not only about living fully, but truly happy. I want you to be your own best friend, cheerleader, and motivator, even when you don’t want to. You may ask, ”Why”? I ask, ”Why not”? You are the captain of your ship, where do you wanna go? I hope this is a blessing to you and impacts you positively.


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