Life Stuff

Reset, Refresh, Renewed

Spring has indeed sprung and I, for one, couldn’t be happier. I love to see the flowers start to bloom, hear the buzz of the bees, feel the temperatures slowly rise, and experience the freshness and beauty of renewed nature and ourselves. We feel the heavy weight of winter lifted, and we see the light of promise in the morning sun as the birds come to call.
It is very important for us to reset our minds and recharge our batteries. The changing season is a great time to declutter our homes, clean away the dust bunnies, organize, especially after the holidays have passed, planting our flowerbeds, and taking time to care for ourselves. We can go for walks, get outdoors and do some fun activities, or even sit on the porch and read, while basking in the sun for some much needed vitamin D.
I encourage you to breathe in the sweet, refreshing air God has given, release any negative feelings, and find something that makes you feel energized and brings you back to life. And keep in mind the lovely daffodil. She means rebirth and new beginnings. It’s time for your new beginning.

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